Portrait Light Workshop
17th & 18th June 2023
What will you learn?
Step by step you will learn about technical and the artistic aspects lighting in photography.
Learn how to setup lights and get best out of each shot.
Composition techniques and improve your photographic eye.
Master the art of light in digital photography.
What does workshop offers
Best studio practice
Soft vs hard light
Light modifiers: Soft box, beauty dish, umbrellas, snoots, reflectors
One, two and three light set ups
Lighting techniques: Rembrandt, clamshell, butterfly, high/low key
Backgrounds and props
Work with colour gels
Working with a model, and posing techniques
Photography Gear Essentials
Photography Tips and Tricks
What do you need
Your DSLR camera and kit lens.
A fully charged camera battery and a memory card with sufficient space for a day
Your camera manual(if available)
Who Should Attend
Anybody over 16, interested in mastering their camera and the basics of digital photography
Workshop Fees
Total fees for 2 days workshop is INR 6,999
Payment Details
You can GPay us at : 9890333315
WhatsApp us a screen shot at Amit-9075022215 once payment is initiated.
Workshop Details
17th June 2023, Saturday: 10.30am-5pm
18th June 2023, Sunday: 10.30am-5pm
Lunch & evening snacks included.
​Location: Pune